• Салбар 1:Чингэлтэй дүүрэг 6-р хороо 49-32 тоот • Салбар 2: Барилгын материалын шөнийн зах дотор “Оффис хөшиг ХХК”
Үзсэн: 4006
Компанийн танилцуулга
Brief introduction of "OFFSHORE" LLC

Since our establishment in 2017, we have executed major orders, companies, individuals, schools, kindergartens, orders, maintenance, assembly and pre-screening  .

For example:  JCI Mongolia, Customs General Office, Social Insurance Department, Sukhbaatar District, Erin Town, Monk Group, Like TV, Chingeltei District Traffic Department, Ulaanbaatar International School, SBN TV, ORGILIA "SHE YU" LLC , SNSD-DOCO LLC, "Seunarii" LLC, "Transcontinent" LLC, Yama plant, Bosco blue Mongolian, Press plant, Mongolian football association (including) office and building curtains fully enclosed and now jointly is still working. Our company is pleased to provide curtain fabric for the day and is fully responsible for routine maintenance.

Main activities:

Rolls curtains
Vertical belt curtain
Double curtains
Metal Jute Curtain
Wooden jungle
Cotton jersey
Preset screen
Office chair
Office furniture, tailor-made, maintenance, and assembly services are available at 250-400 curtains per day .

The basis for our success is:

 • Professional team who are familiar with the work.                      

 • Truthful customers

 • Material selection and quality services

 • Backlinks

 • We provide all 6-12 months warranty for all our services, including routine maintenance and installation. Because of the size and choice of material, our users are always happy.


Phone: 88909020, 94079020, 89222000   

Website: www.ubhushig.mn      

E-mail: ubhushig.mn@gmail.com


Branch 1: No. 49-32 of Chingeltei district, Chingeltei district
Sector 2: Night market for construction material "Office curtains" LLC

... дэлгэрэнгүй

Brief introduction of "OFFSHORE" LLC

Since our establishment in 2017, we have executed major orders, companies, individuals, schools, kindergartens, orders, maintenance, assembly and pre-screening  .

For example:  JCI Mongolia, Customs General Office, Social Insurance Department, Sukhbaatar District, Erin Town, Monk Group, Like TV, Chingeltei District Traffic Department, Ulaanbaatar International School, SBN TV, ORGILIA "SHE YU" LLC , SNSD-DOCO LLC, "Seunarii" LLC, "Transcontinent" LLC, Yama plant, Bosco blue Mongolian, Press plant, Mongolian football association (including) office and building curtains fully enclosed and now jointly is still working. Our company is pleased to provide curtain fabric for the day and is fully responsible for routine maintenance.

Main activities:

  1. Rolls curtains
  2. Vertical belt curtain
  3. Double curtains
  4. Metal Jute Curtain
  5. Wooden jungle
  6. Cotton jersey
  7. Preset screen
  8. Office chair
  9. Office furniture, tailor-made, maintenance, and assembly services are available at 250-400 curtains per day .

The basis for our success is:

 • Professional team who are familiar with the work.                      

 • Truthful customers

 • Material selection and quality services

 • Backlinks

 • We provide all 6-12 months warranty for all our services, including routine maintenance and installation. Because of the size and choice of material, our users are always happy.


Phone: 88909020, 94079020, 89222000   

Website: www.ubhushig.mn      

E-mail: ubhushig.mn@gmail.com


  • Branch 1: No. 49-32 of Chingeltei district, Chingeltei district
  • Sector 2: Night market for construction material "Office curtains" LLC


Бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээ
Босоо туузан хөшиг 2 тийш зэрэг нээгддэг болон нэг талруугаа хураагддагаар хийж байна. Урт нь 6 м ямар ч залга орохгүй хийгдэх ба лого болон хэвлэл хийх бүрэн боломжтой...
Давхар хөшиг нь 150-200 гаад өнгөний сонголттой бөгөөд нар 60-100% хаадгаар хийж байна. 88909020
Модон жалюз 50 гаруй өнгөний сонголттой ба хээнцэр харагдхаас гадна цэвэрлэж болно. Мөн удаан хэрэглээтэй бүтээгдэхүүн юм...
Хуйлдаг хөшиг оффис, зуслангын байшин, суургууль, цэцэрлэг, эмнэлэг гээд бүх л орчинд зохимжтой 22к-45к хооронд хийгдэнэ. Өдөртөө бүх захиалга гарна
Хэвлэлтэй хөшиг энгийнээс гэрэл 100% хаах гээд олон төрөл бөгөөд зурагны өргөн сонголттой
Давхар хөшиг 88909020
Босоо тууз
Хуйлдаг хөшиг 88909020
Шууд залгах88909020 Шууд залгах 94079020